Details of CH4102 (Autumn 2012)

Level: 4 Type: Theory Credits: 3.0

Course CodeCourse NameInstructor(s)
CH4102 Computational Chemistry Mousumi Das,
Pradip Kumar Ghorai

CH4102: Computational Chemistry

Many electron wavefunction, Born-Oppenheimer approximation, Hatree product, Antisymmetry and Pauli Principle, Slater Determinant, Hatree-Fock Method, Concept of Basis set, LCAO-MO treatment, Roothan HF, Pople-Nebset equation, Koopmans' theorem, Configuration Interaction, Many-body perturbation theory, Moller-Plesset equation, Coupled cluster theory, Density functional theory, Hohenberg Kohn theorem, Kohn-Sham equation, Exchange Correlation Functional, Introduction to Classical Monte-carlo simulation, Molecular dynamics simulation.

Suggested Text/Reference Books :

1. Advanced Quantum Chemistry, Attila Szabo and Neil S. Ostlund, Dover Publications, NY.

2. Essentials of Computational Chemistry: Theory and Models, C. J. Cramer, John-Wiley, NY, 2004.

3. Density Functional Theory of Atoms and Molecules, R. G. Parr and Y. Wang, Oxford University Press, NY, 1989.

4. Computer Simulation of Liquids: M. P. Allen and D. J. Tildesley, Oxford Science Publication

5. Understanding of Molecular Simulation: D. Frankel and B. Smit, Academic Press.

Course Credit Options

Sl. No.ProgrammeSemester NoCourse Choice
1 IP 1 Not Allowed
2 IP 3 Not Allowed
3 MS 7 Elective
4 RS 1 Not Allowed