Details of ID4110 (Autumn 2012)

Level: 4 Type: Theory Credits: 3.0

Course CodeCourse NameInstructor(s)
ID4110 Evolutionary Dynamics Supratim Sengupta

Course outline for "Evolutionary Dynamics"

Topics to be covered

Introduction to evolutionary ideas; Fitness Landscapes, Sequence spaces, Quasi-species equation;

Introduction to population genetics; Evolution in finite populations; Evolutionary Games; Games in

finite populations; Evolutionary Graph Theory; Spatial Games; Evolutionary dynamics in the context

viral evolution, cancer and HIV; Evolution of Language.


The course will focus on introducing and developing quantitative and computational tools for

understanding evolution. The students will be expected to write small programs in addition to

solving problems as part of the course work. Depending on the size of the class, I might require the

students to give a seminar presentation based on a paper dealing with one of the above topics.

Target Audience

This course is directed towards fourth year, first semester students majoring in any subject and

interested in learning about evolution. While the course is quantitative in nature, knowledge of

calculus and basic mathematical tools should be adequate.


Primary: Evolutionary Dynamics: Exploring the equations of life by Martin Nowak (Belknap Press)


Evolution and the Theory of Games by John Maynard Smith (Cambridge University Press)

Introduction to Population Genetics Theory by James Crow and M. Kimura (Blackburn Press)

Course Credit Options

Sl. No.ProgrammeSemester NoCourse Choice
1 IP 1 Not Allowed
2 IP 3 Not Allowed
3 MS 7 Not Allowed
4 RS 1 Not Allowed