Details of CH5102 (Autumn 2021)

Level: 5 Type: Theory Credits: 4.0

Course CodeCourse NameInstructor(s)
CH5102 Glycochemistry, glycobiology and Medicinal Chemistry Balaram Mukhopadhyay,
Dibyendu Das

Medicinal Chemistry

1.Biopharmaceutical Properties of Drug Substances

2.Pharmacologic Activity

3.Drug Design

4.Drug/Receptor Interactions

5.Drug Resistance and Metabolism

6.Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

7.Drug Targets: Enzymes, Receptors, Nucleic Acids.

8.Case Studies of Important Drugs

Glycochemistry and Glycobiology

1.Introduction to carbohydrates

2.Classification of carbohydrates

3.ABO system and blood group antigens

4.Introduction to Synthetic Carbohydrate Chemistry: Mutarotation, Anomeric Effect, Glycosylation, Protecting group manipulations

5.Synthesis of Oligosaccharides: Retrosynthesis, orthogonal protecting group manipulations, stereoselective glycosylation, global deprotection, few reaction mechanisms

6.Challenges of 1,2-cis mannoside and rhamnoside formation, systematic development of strategies in this area

7.Carbohydrate-protein interaction, glycol-cluster effect, multivalency in carbohydrates, dendrimers, nanoparticles

8.Synthetic vaccine design and future scope


Course Credit Options

Sl. No.ProgrammeSemester NoCourse Choice
1 IP 1 Not Allowed
2 IP 3 Elective
3 IP 5 Not Allowed
4 MR 1 Elective
5 MR 3 Elective
6 MS 3 Not Allowed
7 MS 5 Not Allowed
8 MS 7 Not Allowed
9 MS 9 Elective
10 RS 1 Elective
11 RS 2 Elective