
  1. Nonunique Stationary States and Broken Universality in Birth Death Diffusion Processes
    K Chhajed, PK Mohanty arXiv preprint arXiv:2106.14865 (2021)

  2. Steady State Of Random Dynamical Systems
    MS Gopal, S Banerjee, PK Mohanty, arXiv preprint arXiv:2009.08827 (2020)

  3. Large structure-dependent room temperature exchange bias in self-assembled BiFeO3 nanoparticles
    S Goswami, A Sahoo, D Bhattacharya, O Karci, PK Mohanty, APL Materials 8 (8), 081101 (2020)

  4. Effect of surface pinning on magnetic nanostuctures
    A Sahoo, D Bhattacharya, PK Mohanty, Physical Review B 101 (6), 064414 (2020)

  5. Assisted exchange models in one dimension
    AK Chatterjee, PK Mohanty, Physical Review E 98 (6), 062134  (2018)

  6. Negative differential mobility in interacting particle systems
    AK Chatterjee, U Basu, PK Mohanty, Physical Review E 97 (5), 052137 (2018)

  7. Matrix product states for interacting particles without hardcore constraints
    AK Chatterjee, PK MohantyJournal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 50 (49), 495001 (2017)

  8. Multichain models of conserved lattice gas
    A Chatterjee, PK MohantyPhysical Review E 96 (4), 042120 (2017)

  9. Zero range and finite range processes with asymmetric rate functions
    AK Chatterjee, PK Mohanty, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2017 (9), 093201 (2017)

  10. Continuously varying critical exponents beyond weak universality
    N Khan, P Sarkar, A Midya, P Mandal, PK Mohanty, Scientific reports 7 (1), 1 (2017)

  11. Increased expression of ApoA1 after neuronal injury may be beneficial for healing

  12. MB Sengupta, S Saha, PK Mohanty, KK Mukhopadhyay et. al. , Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry 424 (1), 45-55 (2017)

  13. Multicritical absorbing phase transition in a class of exactly solvable models,
    A Chatterjee, PK Mohanty, Physical Review E 94 (6), 062141 (2016)

  14. Oslo model, hyperuniformity, and the quenched Edwards-Wilkinson model
    P Grassberger, D Dhar, PK Mohanty, Physical review E 94 (4), 042314 (2016)

  15. Phase coexistence and spatial correlations in reconstituting K-mer models
    AK Chatterjee, B Daga, PK Mohanty, Physical Review E 94 (1), 012121 (2016)

  16. Additivity property and emergence of power laws in nonequilibrium steady states
    A Das, S Chatterjee, P Pradhan, PK Mohanty, Physical Review E 92 (5), 052107 (2015)

  17. Cluster-factorized steady states in finite-range processes
    A Chatterjee, P Pradhan, PK Mohanty, Physical Review E 92 (3), 032103 (2015)

  18. Zeroth law and nonequilibrium thermodynamics for steady states in contact
    S Chatterjee, P Pradhan, PK Mohanty, Physical Review E 91 (6), 062136(2015)

  19. Phase separation transition of reconstituting k-mers in one dimension
    B Daga, PK Mohanty, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2015 (4), P04004 (2015)

  20. Self-organised criticality in stochastic sandpiles: Connection to directed percolation
    U Basu, PK Mohanty, EPL (Europhysics Letters) 108 (6), 60002 (2014)

  21. A microscopic model of ballistic-diffusive crossover
    D Bagchi, PK Mohanty, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2014 (11), P11025 (2014)

  22. CSF proteomics of secondary phase spinal cord injury in human subjects: perturbed molecular pathways post injury
    MB Sengupta, M Basu, S Iswarari, KK Mukhopadhyay, KP Sardar,, PLoS One 9 (10), e110885  (2014)

  23. Universality splitting in distribution of number of miRNA co-targets
    M Basu, NP Bhattacharyya, PK Mohanty, Systems and Synthetic Biology 8 (1), 21-26 (2014)

  24. Distribution of microRNA co-targets exhibit universality across a wide class of species
    M Basu, NP Bhattacharyya, PK Mohanty, EPL (Europhysics Letters) 105 (2), 28007 (2014)

  25. Gammalike mass distributions and mass fluctuations in conserved-mass transport processes
    S Chatterjee, P Pradhan, PK Mohanty, Physical Review Letters 112 (3), 030601(2014)

  26. Comparison of modules of wild type and mutant Huntingtin and TP53 protein interaction networks: implications in biological processes and functions
    M Basu, NP Bhattacharyya, PK Mohanty PloS one 8 (5), e64838 (2013)

  27. Absorbing phase transition in energy exchange models
    U Basu, M Basu, PK Mohanty, The European Physical Journal B 86 (5), 1-7 (2013)

  28. Thermally driven classical Heisenberg model in one dimension
    D Bagchi, PK Mohanty, Physical Review B 86 (21), 214302 (2012)

  29. Restricted exclusion processes without particle conservation flows to directed percolationU
    Basu, PK Mohanty, EPL (Europhysics Letters) 99 (6), 66002 (2012)

  30. Conserved mass models with stickiness and chipping
    S Bondyopadhyay, PK Mohanty, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2012 (07), P07019 (2012)

  31. Fixed-energy sandpiles belong generically to directed percolation
    M Basu, U Basu, S Bondyopadhyay, PK Mohanty, H Hinrichsen, Physical review letters 109 (1), 015702 (2012)

  32. Phase transition in an exactly solvable extinction model
    D Bagchi, PK Mohanty, Phys. Rev. E 84 (6), 061921 (2011)

  33. Driven k-mers: Correlations in space and time,
    S Gupta, M Barma, U Basu, PK Mohanty, Physical Review E 84 (4), 041102 (2011)

  34. Comments on" Critical Study on the Absorbing Phase Transition in a Four-State Predator-Prey Model in One Dimension"
    PK Mohanty, R Chatterjee, A Basu, arXiv preprint arXiv:1109.4523 (2011)

  35. Absorbing phase transition in a four-state predator–prey model in one dimension,
    R Chatterjee, PK Mohanty, A Basu, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2011 (05), L05001 (2011)

  36. A novel approach to discontinuous bond percolation transition,
    U Basu, M Basu, A Kundu, PK Mohanty, EPL (Europhysics Letters) 94 (4), 46002 (2011)

  37. Phase separation transition in a driven diffusive system with anti-ferromagnetic interaction,
    A Kundu, PK Mohanty, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 390 (9), 1585 (2011)

  38. Modules of human micro-RNA co-target network,
    M Basu, NP Bhattacharyya, PK Mohanty, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 297 (1), 012002 (2011)

  39. Bimodal response in periodically driven diffusive systems
    U Basu, D Chaudhuri, PK Mohanty, Physical Review E 83 (3), 031115 (2011)

  40. Absorbing state phase transition in presence of conserved continuous local field
    M Basu, U Gayen, PK Mohanty arXiv preprint arXiv:1102.1631 (2011)

  41. Totally asymmetric exclusion process on a ring with internal degrees of freedom
    U Basu, PK Mohanty, Physical Review E 82 (4), 041117(2010)

  42. Asymmetric simple exclusion process on a Cayley tree
    M Basu, PK Mohanty, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2010 (10), P10014 (2010)

  43. Discontinuous Absorbing State Transition in (1+1) Dimension
    U Basu, M Basu, PK Mohanty, arXiv preprint arXiv:1010.2007 (2010)

  44. Two-dimensional random walk in a bounded domain
    M Basu, PK Mohanty, EPL (Europhysics Letters) 90 (5), 50005 (2010)

  45. Spatial correlations in exclusion models corresponding to the zero-range process
    U Basu, PK Mohanty, J. Stat. Mech. 2010, L03006 (2010)

  46. Phase diagram of the ABC model on an interval
    A Ayyer, EA Carlen, JL Lebowitz, PK Mohanty, D Mukamel, ER Speer, Journal of Statistical Physics 137 (5), 1166 (2009)

  47. Dynamics of path aggregation in the presence of turnover,
    D Chaudhuri, P Borowski, PK Mohanty, M Zapotocky, EPL (Europhysics Letters) 87 (2), 20003 (2009)

  48. Active–absorbing-state phase transition beyond directed percolation: A class of exactly solvable models
    U Basu, PK Mohanty, Physical Review E 79 (4), 041143 (2009)

  49. Stochastic modeling of single molecule Michaelis Menten kinetics
    M Basu, PK Mohanty, arXiv preprint arXiv:0901.2844 (2009)

  50. MicroRNA Interaction network in human: implications of clustered microRNA in biological pathways and genetic diseases

  51. S Mookherjee, M Sinha, S Mukhopadhyay, NP Bhattacharyya, Online Journal of Bioinformatics 10 (2), 280-296 (2009)

  52. Modeling wealth distribution in growing markets,
    U Basu, PK Mohanty, The European Physical Journal B 65 (4), 585 (2008)

  53. Analytical results for stochastically growing networks: Connection to the zero-range process
    PK Mohanty, S Jalan, Physical Review E 77 (4), 045102 (2008)

  54. Why only few are so successful ?
    PK Mohanty, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 384 (1), 75 (2007)

  55. Critical behavior of sandpile models with sticky grains
    PK Mohanty, D Dhar, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 384 (1), 34 (2007)

  56. Driven diffusive systems of active filament bundles
    PK Mohanty, K Kruse, Journal of Statistical Physics 128 (1), 95 (2007)

  57. Generic features of the wealth distribution in ideal-gas-like markets
    PK Mohanty, Physical Review E 74 (1), 011117 (2006)

  58. A new approach to partial synchronization in globally coupled rotators
    PK Mohanty, A PolitiJournal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 39 (26), L415 (2006)

  59. First-order synchronization transition in locally coupled maps
    PK MohantyPhysical Review E 70 (4), 045202 (2004)

  60. Modelling one-dimensional driven diffusive systems by the Zero-Range Process, MR Evans, E Levine, PK Mohanty, D Mukamel,
    The European Physical Journal B 41,   223 (2004)

  61. Generic sandpile models have directed percolation exponents
    PK Mohanty, D DharPhysical review letters 89 (10), 104303 (2002)

  62. Transport in multi-chain models of interacting fermions,
    PK Mohanty, S Rao, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 33 (41), 7363 (2000)

  63. Exactly solvable fermionic N-band models,
    RK Ghosh, PK Mohanty, S Rao, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 32 (24), 4343 (1999)

  64. The order parameter symmetry of doped YBa2Cu3O4
    PK Mohanty, A Taraphder, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 10 (47), 10621 (1998)