Nonunique Stationary States and Broken Universality in Birth Death Diffusion Processes
K Chhajed, PK Mohanty arXiv preprint arXiv:2106.14865 (2021)
Steady State Of Random Dynamical Systems
MS Gopal, S Banerjee, PK Mohanty, arXiv preprint arXiv:2009.08827 (2020)
Large structure-dependent room temperature exchange bias in self-assembled BiFeO3 nanoparticles
S Goswami, A Sahoo, D Bhattacharya, O Karci, PK Mohanty, APL Materials 8 (8), 081101 (2020)
Effect of surface pinning on magnetic nanostuctures
A Sahoo, D Bhattacharya, PK Mohanty, Physical Review B 101 (6), 064414 (2020)
Assisted exchange models in one dimension
AK Chatterjee, PK Mohanty, Physical Review E 98 (6), 062134 (2018)
Negative differential mobility in interacting particle systems
AK Chatterjee, U Basu, PK Mohanty, Physical Review E 97 (5), 052137 (2018)
Matrix product states for interacting particles without hardcore constraints
AK Chatterjee, PK MohantyJournal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 50 (49), 495001 (2017)
Multichain models of conserved lattice gas
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Zero range and finite range processes with asymmetric rate functions
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Continuously varying critical exponents beyond weak universality
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Increased expression of ApoA1 after neuronal injury may be beneficial for healing
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Multicritical absorbing phase transition in a class of exactly solvable models,
A Chatterjee, PK Mohanty, Physical Review E 94 (6), 062141 (2016)
Oslo model, hyperuniformity, and the quenched Edwards-Wilkinson model
P Grassberger, D Dhar, PK Mohanty, Physical review E 94 (4), 042314 (2016)
Phase coexistence and spatial correlations in reconstituting K-mer models
AK Chatterjee, B Daga, PK Mohanty, Physical Review E 94 (1), 012121 (2016)
Additivity property and emergence of power laws in nonequilibrium steady states
A Das, S Chatterjee, P Pradhan, PK Mohanty, Physical Review E 92 (5), 052107 (2015)
Cluster-factorized steady states in finite-range processes
A Chatterjee, P Pradhan, PK Mohanty, Physical Review E 92 (3), 032103 (2015)
Zeroth law and nonequilibrium thermodynamics for steady states in contact
S Chatterjee, P Pradhan, PK Mohanty, Physical Review E 91 (6), 062136(2015)
Phase separation transition of reconstituting k-mers in one dimension
B Daga, PK Mohanty, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2015 (4), P04004 (2015)
Self-organised criticality in stochastic sandpiles: Connection to directed percolation
U Basu, PK Mohanty, EPL (Europhysics Letters) 108 (6), 60002 (2014)
A microscopic model of ballistic-diffusive crossover
D Bagchi, PK Mohanty, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2014 (11), P11025 (2014)
CSF proteomics of secondary phase spinal cord injury in human subjects: perturbed molecular pathways post injury
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Universality splitting in distribution of number of miRNA co-targets
M Basu, NP Bhattacharyya, PK Mohanty, Systems and Synthetic Biology 8 (1), 21-26 (2014)
Distribution of microRNA co-targets exhibit universality across a wide class of species
M Basu, NP Bhattacharyya, PK Mohanty, EPL (Europhysics Letters) 105 (2), 28007 (2014)
Gammalike mass distributions and mass fluctuations in conserved-mass transport processes
S Chatterjee, P Pradhan, PK Mohanty, Physical Review Letters 112 (3), 030601(2014)
Comparison of modules of wild type and mutant Huntingtin and TP53 protein interaction networks: implications in biological processes and functions
M Basu, NP Bhattacharyya, PK Mohanty PloS one 8 (5), e64838 (2013)
Absorbing phase transition in energy exchange models
U Basu, M Basu, PK Mohanty, The European Physical Journal B 86 (5), 1-7 (2013)
Thermally driven classical Heisenberg model in one dimension
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Restricted exclusion processes without particle conservation flows to directed percolationU
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Conserved mass models with stickiness and chipping
S Bondyopadhyay, PK Mohanty, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2012 (07), P07019 (2012)
Fixed-energy sandpiles belong generically to directed percolation
M Basu, U Basu, S Bondyopadhyay, PK Mohanty, H Hinrichsen, Physical review letters 109 (1), 015702 (2012)
Phase transition in an exactly solvable extinction model
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Driven k-mers: Correlations in space and time,
S Gupta, M Barma, U Basu, PK Mohanty, Physical Review E 84 (4), 041102 (2011)
Comments on" Critical Study on the Absorbing Phase Transition in a Four-State Predator-Prey Model in One Dimension"
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Absorbing phase transition in a four-state predator–prey model in one dimension,
R Chatterjee, PK Mohanty, A Basu, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2011 (05), L05001 (2011)
A novel approach to discontinuous bond percolation transition,
U Basu, M Basu, A Kundu, PK Mohanty, EPL (Europhysics Letters) 94 (4), 46002 (2011)
Phase separation transition in a driven diffusive system with anti-ferromagnetic interaction,
A Kundu, PK Mohanty, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 390 (9), 1585 (2011)
Modules of human micro-RNA co-target network,
M Basu, NP Bhattacharyya, PK Mohanty, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 297 (1), 012002 (2011)
Bimodal response in periodically driven diffusive systems
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Absorbing state phase transition in presence of conserved continuous local field
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Totally asymmetric exclusion process on a ring with internal degrees of freedom
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Asymmetric simple exclusion process on a Cayley tree
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Discontinuous Absorbing State Transition in (1+1) Dimension
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Two-dimensional random walk in a bounded domain
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Spatial correlations in exclusion models corresponding to the zero-range process
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Phase diagram of the ABC model on an interval
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Dynamics of path aggregation in the presence of turnover,
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Active–absorbing-state phase transition beyond directed percolation: A class of exactly solvable models
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Modeling wealth distribution in growing markets,
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Analytical results for stochastically growing networks: Connection to the zero-range process
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Why only few are so successful ?
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