Details of CH5104 (Autumn 2016)
Level: 5 | Type: Theory | Credits: 3.0 |
Course Code | Course Name | Instructor(s) |
CH5104 | Principles of Physical Chemistry | Pradipta Purkayastha, Sayan Bhattacharyya |
Syllabus |
Laser Spectroscopy and Dynamics (11 lectures)
(1) Principles of absorption and fluorescence (i) Absorption, induced and spontaneous fluorescence (ii) Spectral line shapes (iii) Measures of absorption strength (iv) Methods of absorption spectroscopy Direct absorption spectroscopy and tunable laser sources (i) Diode laser spectroscopy (ii) Cavity ring-down spectroscopy Spectroscopy using fixed frequencies (i) Laser magnetic resonance (ii) Stark spectroscopy (2) Emission spectroscopy (i) Laser induced fluorescence (ii) Disperse fluorescence (iii) Stimulated emission pumping (3) Pump-probe laser spectroscopy (4) Infrared laser spectroscopy of transient species Surface and Interface (11 lectures) (1) Fundamentals of interfacial science (i) Adsorption of surfactants (ii) Adsorption of polymers (iii) Methods of measuring equilibrium in adsorption (iv) Kinetics of adsorption (v) 2D-Rheology (vi) Shear rheology (vii) Dilational rheology (2) Foams and emulsions (3) Dynamics of surface tension and surfactant mass transfer kinetics (i) Thermodynamics (ii) Mass transfer from solution to the interface of a pendant bubble (iii) Comparison of pendant bubble data to dynamic surface tension models (iv) Methods of measuring dynamic surface tension (4) Surface characterization (i) Ion scattering methods (ii) Diffraction methods (iii) Electron spectroscopy (iv) Scanning probe microscopy Electrochemistry (12 lectures) (5) Ionic Liquids (i) Brief overview of the models (ii) Conceptual structures of molten salts (6) The Electrified Interface (i) Concept and structure (ii) Experimental techniques (iii) Thermodynamics (iv) Adsorption processes (7) Electrode Techniques (i) Impedance spectroscopy (ii) Rotating disk electrode (iii) Ellipsometry (8) Electrochemistry and Transients (i) Open-circuit decay method (ii) Cyclic voltammetry (iii) Linear sweep voltammetry Energy Conversion and Storage (10 Lectures) (1) Photoelectrochemistry (i) Band bending (ii) Surface effects (2) Fuel Cells (i) Types (ii) Kinetics (3) Photovoltaic Principles (4) Solar Hydrogen Production |
References |
(1) Modern Electrochemistry Ionics (Volume I) by J. O M. Bockris and A. K. N. Reddy, Springer, 2006.
(2) Modern Electrochemistry Fundamentals of Electrodics (Volume 2A) by J. O M. Bockris, A. K. N. Reddy and M. Gamboa-Aldeco, Springer, 2006. (3) Modern Electrochemistry Electrodics in Chemistry, Engineering, Biology, and Environmental Science (Volume 2B) by J. O M. Bockris and A. K. N. Reddy, Springer, 2006. (4) Applied Photovoltaics (3rd Edition) by S. R. Wenham, M. A. Green, M. E. Watt, R. Corkish and A. Sproul, EarthScan, 2011. |
Course Credit Options
Sl. No. | Programme | Semester No | Course Choice |
1 | IP | 1 | Not Allowed |
2 | IP | 3 | Not Allowed |
3 | IP | 5 | Elective |
4 | MR | 1 | Not Allowed |
5 | MR | 3 | Not Allowed |
6 | MS | 9 | Not Allowed |
7 | RS | 1 | Elective |
8 | RS | 2 | Elective |