Details of ES3104 (Autumn 2016)

Level: 3 Type: Theory Credits: 3.0

Course CodeCourse NameInstructor(s)
ES3104 Mineralogy Sitindra Sundar Dirghangi

Rationale: The earth is made up of rock, and rocks are composed of minerals. Hence, understanding mineralogy is important to understand much of the geology. This course is designed to give detailed understanding about the mineralogy.

Introduction: Definitions, properties of minerals, broad classification & environments of formation.

Crystal Chemistry: Chemistry of elements, Bonding and packing in mineral, chemical analysis of minerals, mineral formula.

Crystallography: Introduction, Symmetry, Diffraction.
Optical Mineralogy:Introduction to Optics, Optical Crystallography & Crystal Chemistry.

Systematic Mineralogy: Nomenclature and classification of minerals, Silicate minerals, their occurrences.

All second year courses of Earth Sciences

M. Dyar, M. Gunter and D. Tasa, Mineralogy and Optical Mineralogy, Mineralogical Society of America (2008)
W. Nesse, Introduction to Optical Mineralogy, Oxford University Press (2012).

W. Nesse, Introduction to Mineralogy, Oxford University Press (2000).

  • C. Klein, Minerals and Rocks-Exercises in Crystallography, Mineralogy and Hand Specimen Petrology (1994)
    F.D. Bloss, Crystallography and Crystal Chemistry, (1971).

  • Course Credit Options

    Sl. No.ProgrammeSemester NoCourse Choice
    1 IP 1 Core
    2 IP 3 Not Allowed
    3 IP 5 Not Allowed
    4 MR 1 Not Allowed
    5 MR 3 Not Allowed
    6 MS 5 Core
    7 RS 1 Elective
    8 RS 2 Elective