Radioactive decay law, geochronometry equation, dating by isochron method, dating of igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks by Rb-Sr isotope systematic. Sm-Nd isotope systematic. CHUR model ages and crustal extraction through time. Nd isotopes as tracers of sediment provenance. Coupled Sr-Nd-Pb isotopes as tracers in evolution of crust and mantle, U-Th-Pb isochron dating, U-Pb dating of zircons, Pb-Pb isotope isochron dating, Model (galena) ages using Pb-Pb isotope dating. U-Th disequilibrium series. Application of radioactive disequilibrium in dating of rocks, and in estimation of sedimentation accumulation rates. Sr and Nd isotopes in river and seawater: evolution of isotope composition during weathering and transport. Marine Sr isotopes as tracers of continental weathering. Re-Os isotope systematic and its utility in dating of organic rich sediments. Marine 187Os/188Os record as tracers of global events: glacial-interglacial climate change, extraterrestrial impacts and massive volcanism.
Isotopic fractionation; kinetic and equilibrium fractionation; causes of fractionation; stable isotope standards and notations; distribution of oxygen and hydrogen isotopes in nature and fractionation relation; oxygen and hydrogen isotopes as tracers for monsoon vapour source; paleoclimate and oxygen and hydrogen isotopes of pedogenic minerals; oxygen and carbon isotope and diagenesis; carbon and nitrogen isotopes and paleoecology; carbon isotopes and paleo-atmospheric CO2; isotope thermometry; microbial processes and their role in sulphur isotope distribution; sulphur isotopes in marine sulphate through time and link between sulphur cycle and atmospheric oxygen. |