Details of HU1101 (Autumn 2016)
Level: 1 | Type: Theory | Credits: 2.0 |
Course Code | Course Name | Instructor(s) |
HU1101 | Communicative English and Sociology I | Debjani Deb Sengupta, Hiya Chatterjee |
Syllabus |
Definition of Listening, Reading, Writing and Communicating, Barriers in the path of Communication, Signposting, Outlines, Rephrasing, Listening to conversation (Formal and Informal), Techniques of reading, skimming, Scanning, SQ3R technique, Writing skills, Paragraph, Letter Writing, Essay writing, Memo, Circular, Notice, Cover Letter, Resume, Thesis, Summary, Prcis, Speaking How to converse with people, How to communicate effectively. UNIT 1 COMMUNICATION SKILLS IN ENGLISH 1.1 Introduction 1.2 The Importance of English 1.3 English as the First or Second language 1.4 Uses of English 1.5 Other Uses of English UNIT 2 LISTENING SKILLS 2.1 What is Listening? 2.2 Types of Listening 2.3 Objectives 2.4 Active Listening- an Effective Listening Skill 2.5 Note Taking Tips 2.6 Barriers for Good Listening 2.7 Purpose of Listening 2.8 Outlines and Signposting 2.9 Gambits 2.10 Exercise UNIT 3 READING SKILLS 3.1 Importance of Reading 3.2 Definition of Reading 3.3 Levels of Reading 3.4 Requirements of Reading 3.5 Types of Reading 3.6 Techniques of Reading 3.7 Academic Reading Tips 3.8 Exercise UNIT 4 WRITING SKILLS 4.1 What is Writing? 4.2 The Sentence 4.3 The Phrase 4.4 Kinds of Sentences 4.5 Parts of Sentence 4.6 Parts of Speech 4.7 Articles 4.8 Types of Sentences 4.9 Time Management Tips 4.10 Test Preparation Tips 4.11 Tips for Taking Exams 4.12 What is a Paragraph? 4.13 Construction of Paragraph 4.14 Linkage and Cohesion 4.15 Example 4.16 Exercise 4.17 Academic Essay Writing 4.18 Thesis 4.19 Procedure for Thesis Approval and Deposit 4.20 Summary 4.21 Precis Writing 4.22 Report Abstracts 4.23 Letter Writing 4.24 Memo 4.25 Cover Letter 4.26 Resume writing UNIT 5 COMMUNICATION SKILLS- SPEAKING SKILLS 5.1 Definition 5.2 Barriers of Communication 5.3 Types of Communication 5.4 Know What You Want To Say PART B Module 1: Fundamentals of Sociology Emergence of Sociology Sociology as a discipline Division of social sciences Society, Sociology & its methods Module 2: Socialisation & the Institutional Structure Family -- Features & origin, types, changes in the family State -- Origin of state & it's development, military state to welfare state, globalisation & the state Economy -- Evolution of economic system, ancient to modern economy, globalisation & its critique, rural & urban divide Module 3: Social stratification Class -- Theories & development Caste -- Origin, features & evolution Gender -- Social construction, patriarchy, feminist approaches, feminism & sociology Module 4: Social problems Some contemporary social problems -- socilogical perspectives Social control |
References |
Course Credit Options
Sl. No. | Programme | Semester No | Course Choice |
1 | IP | 1 | Not Allowed |
2 | IP | 3 | Not Allowed |
3 | IP | 5 | Not Allowed |
4 | MR | 1 | Not Allowed |
5 | MR | 3 | Not Allowed |
6 | MS | 1 | Core |
7 | RS | 1 | Not Allowed |
8 | RS | 2 | Not Allowed |