Details of HU4102 (Autumn 2019)
Level: 4 | Type: Theory | Credits: 4.0 |
Course Code | Course Name | Instructor(s) |
HU4102 | Sociology | Sujata Sen |
Syllabus |
Module 1: Fundamentals of Sociology
Emergence of Sociology Sociology as a discipline Division of social sciences Society, Sociology & its methods Module 2: Socialisation & the Institutional Structure Family -- Features & origin, types, changes in the family State -- Origin of state & it's development, military state to welfare state, globalisation & the state Economy -- Evolution of economic system, ancient to modern economy, globalisation & its critique, rural & urban divide Module 3: Social stratification Class -- Theories & development Caste -- Origin, features & evolution Gender -- Social construction, patriarchy, feminist approaches, feminism & sociology Module 4: Social problems Some contemporary social problems -- socilogical perspectives Social control |
References |
Course Credit Options
Sl. No. | Programme | Semester No | Course Choice |
1 | IP | 1 | Not Allowed |
2 | IP | 3 | Not Allowed |
3 | IP | 5 | Not Allowed |
4 | MR | 1 | Not Allowed |
5 | MR | 3 | Not Allowed |
6 | MS | 7 | Not Allowed |
7 | RS | 1 | Not Allowed |
8 | RS | 2 | Not Allowed |