- Basic introduction of four forces of nature: electro-magnetic, weak,
strong and gravitational.
- Kinematics of decay and scattering reactions. Differential decay rates
and differential reaction rates. Pion and muon decay and basic nature of
weak interactions.
- Static model ( $SU(3)_f$ ) of quarks. Baryon and meson supermultiplets.
Spin-flavour state functions of baryon decouplets, baryon octets and meson nonets.
Colour wave functions. Magnetic moments of baryons. Principles of discoveries of
heavy flavours: Charm, bottom and top.(Detailed experimental techniques not needed).
Summary of quantum numbers of all quark flavours. Vector mesons and their decays.
Zweig rule.
- High energy electron-proton scattering. Bjorken variable. Elastic, deep-inelastic
regimes. Derivation of inclusive scattering cross section in terms of structure
functions. Bjorken scaling. Scaling violation. Concepts of Mandelstam variables.
Compton scattering and gluon emission scattering amplitudes and cross-sections in
terms of Mandelstam variables. Altarelli-Parisi evolution equation.
- Weak interaction. Analogy with electromagnetic interaction. Four-fermion
point interaction of Fermi. Weak interaction amplitude in terms of bilinear covariants.
Parity violation. Wus experiment. Correlation data. V-A form of weak interaction
amplitude. Parity violations in $\Lambda^0$, $K^0$ decays. Strangeness oscillation.
CP violation in $K^0$ decay. Strangeness-conserving and strangeness-violating
weak interactions. Cabbibo theory.
- Gauge theory of weak interaction. Spontaneous symmetry breaking and
Higgs mechanism. Electroweak unification. Glashow-Weinberg-Salam model of
electroweak symmetry breaking. $W^\pm$, $Z^0$ masses and fermion masses.