Details of CH4213 (Spring 2021)

Level: 4 Type: Theory Credits: 4.0

Course CodeCourse NameInstructor(s)
CH4213 Introductory DFT Amlan Kusum Roy

The many-electron problem: Schrodinger equation, Interacting and non-interacting
wavefunctions, Hellman-Feynman principle, virial theorem, Overview of electronic structure
methods and DFT (4 classes)
Mathematical preliminary: Functionals, one and two-body operators and expectation values,
Density operators, Reduced density matrices, Variational principle (4 classes)
Density Functional theory: HF method and electron correlation, Uniform electron gas, ThomasFermi model, Thomas-Fermi-DiracWeizsacker model, Hohenberg-Kohn theorem, N- and vrepresentability of electron density, Kinetic energy functional (8 classes)
Kohn-Sham equation, Introduction of orbitals, Local-density and X-alpha approximation (5
Exchange and correlation energy and hole, Adiabatic connection, Formal properties of
functionals (exact), Self-interaction correction, Gradient and generalized gradient approximation,
Hybird functionals, Orbital functionals, range-separated functionals, Jacobs ladder (7 classes)
Time-dependent density functional theory, Runge-Gross theorem, Linear response and excitation
spectra (4 classes)
Real-time TDDFT: Atoms/molecules under strong electric/magnetic field (3 classes)
Applications, performance, challenges (5 classes)

(1) Kieron Burke: The ABC of DFT, follow the links for DFT Book on
(2) Robert G. Parr and Weitao Yang, Density Functional Theory of Atoms and Molecules,
(Oxford University Press, 1994).
(3) Wolfram Koch, Max C. Holthausen, "A Chemist's Guide to Density Functional Theory"
Wiley-VCH, 2001 (4) David Sholl and Janice A Steckel, "Density Functional Theory: A
Practical Introduction" Wiley, 2009

Course Credit Options

Sl. No.ProgrammeSemester NoCourse Choice
1 IP 2 Elective
2 IP 4 Elective
3 IP 6 Elective
4 MR 2 Not Allowed
5 MR 4 Not Allowed
6 MS 10 Not Allowed
7 MS 4 Not Allowed
8 MS 6 Not Allowed
9 MS 8 Elective
10 RS 1 Elective
11 RS 2 Elective