Details of CS3102 (Autumn 2024)

Level: 3 Type: Laboratory Credits: 4.0

Course CodeCourse NameInstructor(s)
CS3102 Programming in Python _ Not Yet Decided _


Introduction: Background of programming (What is a program? Good and bad programming etc.), algorithms and pseudo-code, need for good programming (Preliminaries of complexity of algorithms), idea of high-level and low-level languages, concept of Object Oriented Programming (OOP), advantages over structured programming, features of Python programming language, Python interpreter, history of Python, installation, execution of code in Python, debugging (errors syntax, semantic) [4 hours]

Basic data types, keywords, identifiers, comments, I/O, variables, numbers, strings [8 hours]

Operators: Arithmetic, assignment, logical, bitwise [2 hours]

Lists, Tuples, Sets, Dictionaries [4 hours]

Control flow: Ifthenelse, For, While loops [4 hours]

Functions, lambda, modules [2 hours]

Arrays [3 hour] Classes and objects, inheritance [2 hours]

Iterators [1 hour] Scope [1 hour]

Exception Handling [1 hour]

File handling: Reading, Writing, Creating, Deleting [2 hours]

Advanced topics: NumPy [2 hours]

Books and references:

1. Learning Python (5th edition) - Mark Lutz.

2. Dive into Python - Mark Pilgrim

3. Programming Python for Absolute Beginners - M. Dawson.

Course Credit Options

Sl. No.ProgrammeSemester NoCourse Choice
1 IP 1 Core
2 IP 3 Elective
3 IP 5 Not Allowed
4 MP 1 Not Allowed
5 MP 3 Elective
6 MR 1 Core
7 MR 3 Elective
8 MS 3 Not Allowed
9 MS 5 Not Allowed
10 MS 7 Not Allowed
11 MS 9 Not Allowed
12 RS 1 Elective
13 RS 2 Elective