List of Journal Publications/Preprints

40.  Evolution of cooperation in multichannel games on multiplex networks, Amit Basak and S. Sengupta; PLoS Computational Biology 20(12): e1012678 (2024).

  The dynamics of cooperation: How linking social strategies can boost cooperation - Coverage of our paper in the popular science press

39.  Inferring to Cooperate: Evolutionary games with Bayesian inferential strategies, Arunava Patra, S. Sengupta, Ayan Paul and Sagar Chakraborty; New J. Phys. 26, 063003 (2024).

38.  The RNA-DNA world and the emergence of DNA-encoded heritable traits, Suvam Roy and S. Sengupta; RNA Biology 21(1), 1-9 (2024).

37.  The Effect of Environment on the Evolution and Proliferation of Protocells of Increasing Complexity, Suvam Roy and S. Sengupta; Life 12(8), 1227 (2022).

36.  Network rewiring promotes cooperation in an aspirational learning model, Anuran Pal and S. Sengupta; Chaos 32, 023109 (2022).

35.  Evolution towards increasing complexity through functional diversification in a protocell model of the RNA world, Suvam Roy and S. Sengupta; Proceedings of the Royal Society B 288(1963); (2021).

34.  How strategy environment and wealth shape altruistic behaviour: Cooperation rules affecting wealth distribution in dynamic networks, Spandan Pathak, Prateek Verma, Sumit K Ram and S. Sengupta; Proceedings of the Royal Society B 287(1941); (2020).

33.  Emergence of ribozyme and tRNA-like structures from mineral-rich muddy pools on prebiotic earth, Suvam Roy, Niraja V. Bapat, Julien Derr, Sudha Rajamani and S. Sengupta; J. Theor. Biol. 506:110446 (2020)

32.  RiboD: A Comprehensive Database for Prokaryotic Riboswitches, Sumit Mukherjee, Sukhen Das Mandal, Nikita Gupta, Matan-Drory Retwitzer, Danny Barash and S. Sengupta; Bioinformatics 35(18):3541-3543 (2019)

31.  The Evolution of Antibiotic Production Rate in a Spatial Model of Bacterial Competition, Jakub Kosakowski, Prateek Verma, S. Sengupta and Paul G. Higgs; PLoS One 13(10): e0205202 (2018)

30.  Bribery Games on inter-dependent complex networks, Prateek Verma, Anjan K. Nandi and S. Sengupta; J. Theor. Biol. 450(7):43-52 (2018)

29.  Phylogenomic and comparative analysis of the distribution and regulatory patterns of TPP riboswitches in fungi, Sumit Mukherjee, Matan Drory-Retwitzer, Danny Barash and S. Sengupta; Scientific Reports 8:5563 (2018)

28.  Comparative genomics and phylogenomic analyses of lysine riboswitch distributions in bacteria, Sumit Mukherjee, Danny Barash and S. Sengupta; PLoS One 12(9): e0184314 (2017)

27.  Bribery games on inter-dependent regular networks, Prateek Verma, Anjan K. Nandi and S. Sengupta; Scientific Reports 7:42735 (2017)

  Financial ExpressFirstPostBusiness Standard - Press coverage of our paper

26.  Interspecific competition as a strategy for coexistence of Bacillus cereus MSM-S1 and Pseudomonas sp. MSM-M1, Brinta Chakraborty, Anish Mallick, Sumana Annagiri, S. Sengupta and Tapas K Sengupta; Royal Society Open Science; DOI: 10.1098/rsos.160438 (2016)

25.  Finite population analysis of the effect of horizontal gene transfer on the origin of an universal and optimal genetic code, Neha Aggarwal, Ashutosh Vishwa Bandhu, and S. Sengupta; Phys. Biol. 13:036007 (2016)

24.  Riboswitch Scanner: An efficient pHMM-based web-server to detect riboswitches in genomic sequences, Sumit Mukherjee and S. Sengupta; Bioinformatics 32(5):776-778 (2016)

23.  Exploring the phase explosion of water using SOM-mediated micro-bubbles, Basudev Roy, Mayukh Panja, S. Sengupta, Dibyendu Nandi and Ayan Banerjee; New Journal of Chemistry 40:1048-1056 (2016)

22.  An Efficient Minimum Free Energy Structure-Based Search Method for Riboswitch Identification Based on Inverse RNA Folding, Matan Drory Retzwitzer, Ilona Keifer, S. Sengupta, Zohar Yakhini and Danny Barash; PLoS One 10(7): e0134262 (2015).

21.  Pathways of genetic code evolution in ancient and modern organisms, S. Sengupta and Paul G. Higgs; J. Mol. Evol. 80:229-243 (2015).

20.  Bribe and Punishment: An evolutionary game-theoretic analysis of bribery, Prateek Verma and S. Sengupta; PLoS One 10(7): e0133441

  Game of Theories: A Policy of Bribery and Punishment - Coverage of our bribery paper in the popular science press

19.  Revisiting the Physico-Chemical Hypothesis of Code Origin: An Analysis Based on Code-Sequence Coevolution in a Finite Population, Ashutosh Vishwa Bandhu, Neha Aggarwal and S. Sengupta; Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres 43(6):465-489 (2013)

18.  Phylogenetic analysis and comparative genomics of Purine riboswitch distribution in prokaryotes, Payal Singh and S. Sengupta; Evolutionary Bioinformatics 8, 589-609 (2012)

17.  Stuttering Min oscillations within E. coli bacteria: A stochastic polymerization model, S. Sengupta, J. Derr, A. Sain and A.D. Rutenberg; Physical Biology, 9, 056003 (2012)

16.  Classification of HIV-1 sequences using profile Hidden Markov Models, Sanjiv K Dwivedi and S. Sengupta; PLoS One 7(5):e36566 (2012)

14.  Riboswitch Detection using Profile Hidden Markov Models, Payal Singh, P. Bandyopadhyay, S. Bhattacharya, A. Krishnamachari and S. Sengupta; BMC Bioinformatics 10:325 (2009) [Highly Accessed]

13.  Modeling partitioning of Min proteins between daughter cells after septation in Escherichia coli, S. Sengupta and Andrew D. Rutenberg; Phys. Biol. 4:145-153 (2007)

12.  The Mechanisms of Codon Reassignments in Mitochondrial Genetic Codes, S. Sengupta, X. Yang and Paul G. Higgs; J. Mol. Evol. 64:662-688 (2007)

11.  Stochastic Resonance in Underdamped,Bistable Systems, R. Ray and S. Sengupta; Phys. Lett. A353:364-371 (2006)

10.  A Unified Model of Codon Reassignment in Alternative Genetic Codes ,  S. Sengupta and Paul G. Higgs; Genetics 170:831-840 (2005)

9.  Non-equilibrium Evolution of Correlation Functions: A Canonical Approach,  S. Sengupta, F.C. Khanna and S.P. Kim;  Phys. Rev. D68, 105014 (2003)

8.  Stochastic Production Of Kink-Antikink Pairs In The Presence Of An Oscillating Background, R. Ray and S. Sengupta; Phys. Rev. D65, 063521 (2002)

7.  Multiple-Scale Analysis and Renormalization of Quenched Second Order Phase Transitions, S.P. Kim, S. Sengupta and F.C. Khanna; Phys. Rev. D64, 105026 (2001)

6. Electroweak Baryogenesis in a Cold Universe, R. Rangarajan, S. Sengupta and A.M. Srivastava;  Astroparticle Physics 17,  167  (2002)

5.  Resonant Production of Topological Defects , S. Digal, R. Ray, S. Sengupta and A.M. Srivastava; Phys. Rev.  Lett.  84,  826  (2000)

4.  Possibility  of  Forming  a  Large  DCC   in  Ultra-Relativistic  Heavy-Ion Collisions, S. Digal, R. Ray, S. Sengupta and A.M. Srivastava; International Journal of Modern Physics A15,  2269 (2000)

3.  Simulation of Vortex-Antivortex Pair Production in a Phase Transition with Explicit Symmetry Breaking,   S. Digal, S. Sengupta and A.M. Srivastava; Phys. Rev. D58, 103510 (1998)

2.  Vortex-Antivortex Pair Production in a First Order Phase Transition, S. Digal, S. Sengupta and A.M. Srivastava; Phys. Rev. D56,   2035-2043  (1997)

1.  Defect-Antidefect Pair Production via Field Oscillations, S. Digal, S. Sengupta and A.M. Srivastava; Phys. Rev. D55, 3824-3829  (1997)

Selected Conference Proceedings and Book Chapters

1. Two perspectives on the origin of the standard genetic code, Supratim Sengupta, Neha Aggarwal and Ashutosh Vishwabandhu; Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres 44(4):287-291 (2014). Proceedings of the conference on "Open Questions on the Origin of Life" held in July 2014, Kyoto, Japan.

2. "Kink-Antikink Pair Production in the Presence of a Stochastic and Oscillating Back- ground", Supratim Sengupta in "Fundamental Interactions" - Proceedings of the Sixteenth Lake Louise Winter Institute. '' Eds., A Astbury, B.A. Campbell, F.C. Khanna, M.G.Vincter; World Scientific, 2003.

3. "Non-Equilibrium Phase Transition Dynamics Beyond the Gaussian Approximation", Supratim Sengupta in "Fundamental Interactions" - Proceedings of the Sixteenth Lake Louise Winter Institute. '' Eds., A Astbury, B.A. Campbell, F.C. Khanna, M.G.Vincter; World Scientific, 2002.

4. "Formation of Vortex-Antivortex Pairs'', S.Digal, R. Ray, Supratim Sengupta and A. M. Srivastava; (Invited Review Article) in "Connectivity and Superconductivity" Eds. Jorge Berger and Jacob Rubinstein; Springer-Verlag, 2001.

5. "A new mechanism of Formation of Topological Defects.'', Supratim Sengupta ; Proc. of the workshop on cosmology titled "Observations Confront Theories.'', held at the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India in January '99;  Pramana Journal of Physics, Vol.53, No.6; December '99.

Last  Updated  on  15.5.2024