- Press coverage of our paper
Selected Conference Proceedings and Book Chapters
2. "Kink-Antikink Pair Production in the Presence of a Stochastic and Oscillating Back-
ground", Supratim Sengupta in "Fundamental Interactions" - Proceedings of the Sixteenth Lake Louise
Winter Institute. '' Eds., A Astbury, B.A. Campbell, F.C. Khanna, M.G.Vincter; World
Scientific, 2003.
3. "Non-Equilibrium Phase Transition Dynamics Beyond the Gaussian Approximation", Supratim Sengupta in "Fundamental Interactions" - Proceedings of the Sixteenth Lake Louise
Winter Institute. '' Eds., A Astbury, B.A. Campbell, F.C. Khanna, M.G.Vincter; World
Scientific, 2002.
4. "Formation of Vortex-Antivortex Pairs'', S.Digal, R. Ray, Supratim Sengupta and A. M. Srivastava; (Invited Review Article) in "Connectivity and Superconductivity" Eds. Jorge Berger and Jacob Rubinstein; Springer-Verlag, 2001.
5. "A new mechanism of Formation of Topological Defects.'', Supratim Sengupta ; Proc. of the workshop on cosmology titled "Observations Confront Theories.'', held at the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India in January '99; Pramana Journal of Physics, Vol.53, No.6; December '99.
Last Updated on 15.5.2024