BAW- 2024


Hands-on workshop on Preclinical animal mouse models;

Translating Basic science to Clinic

Workshop to be held between 01st to 06th July 2024 at IISER Kolkata

This workshop is designed to empower students and early-career investigators with a profound understanding of state-of-the-art tools and techniques, placing special emphasis on translational research. The goal is to enhance their scientific acumen, enabling them to propel the research field forward into innovative dimensions. Led by a globally recognized team of experts proficient in cutting-edge methodologies, the workshop targets 40-60 participants from underserved universities and research institutes in India and abroad. Attendees will receive comprehensive training on the fundamental and advanced principles of contemporary tools and technologies, essential for expediting translational research processes. Additionally, special sessions focused on 2D, 3D cell culture modles and animal models will be organized to train essential for expediting translational research processes. Additionally, special sessions focused on 2D, 3D cell culture modles and animal models will be organized to train and enrich the participants' experience. Together, these efforts will train early career fellows and young researchers that can further contribute to the field of biomedical/translation research with their enhanced expertise. The anticipated outcomes of this workshop hold significant promise in addressing not only individual scientific development but also in contributing to the resolution of National, Regional, 'and Global Health challenges. By equipping students and earlycareer investigators with cutting-edge tools and techniques, the workshop endeavors to fortify their capacity to engage in translational research, fostering a collective effort towards advancing healthcare solutions. The knowledge and skills gained during the workshop have the potential to catalyze translational research initiatives that directly impact National health priorities by addressing a specific health issue prevalent in a specific region. Furthermore, the empowered cohort of participants can play a pivotal role in elevating the standard of research at ·a regional level, creating a ripple effect that extends beyond individual capacities. On a global scale, the dissemination of advanced scientific knowledge through these outcomes can contribute to collaborative efforts in tackling broader health challenges. The enhanced capabilities of the workshop participants may lead to collaborative research projects, partnerships, and initiatives that transcend geographical boundaries, ultimately influencing the discourse and strategies for global health improvement. In summary, the expected outcomes of this workshop are not only tailored to elevate the scientific aptitude of individual participants but also hold the potential to make substantial contributions to addressing health issues at the National, Regional, and Global levels.

The hands-on-training part of the workshop

1.Animal Dissection (Tissue harvesting and routes of administration-Demonstration and hands-on training )

2.Histopathology (Tissue processing, embedding, sectioning, staining and Immunohistochemistry-Demonstration and hands-on training )

3.Microscopy(Epi-fluorescence microscopy and confocal microscopy-demonstration)

4.Flow Cytometry(Demonstration and hands-on training)

5.Analytical Techniques(Demonstration of high-end analytical instrumentation)

BAW-2024 Flyer (Click for download) BAW-2024 Schedule at IISER Kolkata(Click for Open)


01st to 06th July 2024


Last Date 30 June, 2024


Note that the no TA/DA will be given to the participants.


IISER Kolkata