Pura assumes her position for this month, more confident than before. There has been some good responses for last month’s exploration, leading to the necessary morale boost for her. Today she wanted to try out something simple and beautiful. She waits for the final setup, and begins.

“It is my pleasure to present myself before all of you once again; this time with a new set of ideas and challenges. We all should be somewhat familiar with various board games - that is, excluding the Ouija. Today, we shall be taking a break from rigorous mathematics and be looking at a form of chess, much simpler than what the professionals play. Indeed, instead of an 8×8 chessboard, we’ll take a 8×1 chessboard and take only three of each set of pieces, namely the King (K), the Rook (R) and the Knight (N). Check the setup below.”

Figure 1. The one-dimensional chessboard is as shown. Each side has a King, a Rook and a Knight arranged as K-N-R from the edge of the board towards the center. There are two open squares in the center of the board. If you don’t have a board at home, then try drawing a board and using coins to represent the pieces; manually playing will make you more confident in the rules. Warning! Online board editors are discouraged since traditional Knight moves are different from the ones to be used here.

“First, I shall describe how the King and the other pieces move. All pieces should remain on the board unless captured. Captured pieces can’t return to the board later. The pieces move as follows.”

  1. K: The King can move 1 square left or right. If there is a piece of an opposite colour adjacent to it, it can capture that piece. Kings can’t be adjacent to each other. They should have at least 1 space between them, either an open square or one with a piece. A King can not capture a piece of the same colour as it. A King cannot be captured, but it can be checked which I’ll explain later.
  2. N: The Knight is a jumping piece. It skips one square either to the left or right. For example, a knight on b can go to d, but cannot go left as there is nothing left of a. A knight can jump over pieces of either colour while moving (like N b $\to$ d jumps over a Rook on c). If there is a piece of an opposite colour occupying the square the Knight moves to, then that piece is captured. Knights cannot move to squares occupied by pieces of the same colour.
  3. R: The Rook can only move on open squares. It can go both left or right as many open squares as there are. For example, Rook on c can go to d and e. If it goes to f, it has to capture the black Rook. It cannot go to b as it can’t capture a piece of the same colour. Note that if a Rook captures another piece, it will replace that piece’s position of the board, i.e. it can’t take more than one piece in one turn.

“We must also explain the scenarios of check, checkmate, and stalemate.”

“A King is in check when an opponent’s piece (not King) is one move away from capturing it, e.g. say the white knight is on f which threatens to capture the black king on h, or the black pieces are removed and the white rook on c threatens to capture the black king on the next move. When a king is checked, it must escape check; no other move is legal. If the king cannot escape check, then it is checkmate, and the person whose king is in check loses.”

“A King cannot run into a check, i.e. if there is a piece blocking the white rook from attacking the black king, then black cannot move the piece away from in between the king and the rook since that would mean the rook checks the king. Also, say the white King is on d and e is in the range of the black g Knight. Then the white King can’t move to e since then it will come under check from the black Knight. A check can only be given by a piece to the opponent’s king, and the opponent has to escape the check via blocking, or running away, or capturing the attacking piece to not lose the game.”

“The game is stalemated if one of the players is not in check, but also has no legal moves - this is called stalemate. For example, let the white rook capture the black rook on turn 1. Then the black king has no moves, and the only move of the black knight is g $\to$ e, which is illegal as it would put the black king in check. So, black has no legal moves, but is not in check – it is a stalemate.”

Pura sits up, recollecting her ideas about this and thinking whether she forgot a rule or two. Convinced otherwise, she continues. “So I have mentioned all the rules and how the pieces move. Those of you who have played chess or watched games should be familiar with most of the rules, and I’ll not elaborate any further. Let’s get into the real stuff!”

“Let me tell you the notations to be used here. We won’t use the standard ones and will try to be a bit more descriptive. Conventionally white goes first. A complete turn is finished when both white and black make a move. If a piece, say a Knight, moves from a to c, we denote it as $N_ac$. If there is a piece on c that it captures, then we will write $N_a\times c$, where the $\times$ denotes the capture. If upon arriving at c, it captures a piece and also puts the opponents King in check, we would write $N_a\times c+$, where the $+$ denotes the check. If the check cannot be escaped, i.e. it’s a checkmate, then we write $N_a\times c\#$, where the $\#$ denotes the checkmate. If the knight does not check the opponent’s king, but somehow stalemates it, then we write $N_a\times c\&$, where the $\&$ denotes the stalemate.”

“Let me denote a random game in which black loses, can you figure out how it goes?”

\[1.\; R_cd\;\; N_ge \;\;2.\; R_d\times e\;\; K_hg \;\;3.\; N_bd\;\; K_gh \;\;4.\; R_e\times f\#\]

“Take your time to get familiar with the notation - it would be really easy to summarize a game once you do! Once you are done try practicing with the pieces by yourself on a board or diagram. If you’re feeling confident, let’s start!”

(i) Conventionally, white makes the first move. Show that White can always win regardless of whatever Black plays. Write down the longest game in chess notation where White wins. It is obvious that you assume black plays logically, i.e. tries to prevent checkmate.

(ii) Using chess notation, write down the shortest possible game (ending in either checkmate or stalemate).

(iii) Using chess notation, write down the quickest win for white, not assuming logical play from black (this is sometimes called a helpmate).

“We have still not touched upon our primary goal of Amity. The Kings are aggressive - they would either wish to crush the other via a checkmate or be in an eternal stalemate, staring each other down! Only if they have no way of doing either, they will shake hands and go back to their Queens, who are with the Bishops in the castle - thus reaching Amity.”

(iv) Show that there will never be a case where Amity is reached when there are just two Kings on this board. Further show that Amity is reachable on an 8×8 chessboard with two kings, each able to move 1 square in any of the eight directions (other rules are the same).

(v) What is the minimum number of pieces (and what are they) for checkmate to be possible? In other words, removing any one piece (not King) would create a situation where checkmate is never possible.

“Once we are done with this, let us simplify our board even more, so that we only have to worry about two pieces.” Pura laid back for a while, going over the different possibilities of a 2D chess game already clouding her mind. It is indeed interesting how things become so incredibly complicated with fundamental increase of complexity that they quickly go beyond human grasp; Pura herself though, does seem to be more aware of them.

“Let us only remove the Rooks. Then the new configuration of the board would be as shown. The rules of the game are same as before. White should conventionally move first.”

Figure 2. In this scenario, the rooks have been removed; the rest of the board is the same.

(vi) What are the configurations in which White checkmates black and vice versa?

(vii) What are the configurations for stalemate induced by white on black and black on white respectively? Are they symmetrical, or does the convention of white going first lead to some imbalance? Can you mathematically explain either result you obtain?

(viii) Show that if any one of the players vouches for Amity (and the other wants checkmate or stalemate), then the one vouching for Amity can force the other to accept the same.

“This shows that the amicable one wins at the end, provided one has honourable knights on board, right? Now that we have mostly solved the game (maybe even completely?), we can try some random stuff with it. Sort out your solution configurations to (vi). From the starting point, we want to reach one of those positions by only moving the two knights alternately, starting with white. Forget everything about the rules of check, checkmate and stalemate. We only wish to reach that configuration using the mentioned knight moves. Further, each knight is equipped with a randomizer that moves it. If a knight has one legal move (you cannot capture a king), then it goes to that square 100% of the time (have you noted that the knights can never capture one another?). If it has two legal moves, then it can move to either one of them with uniform probability $p = 0.5$.”

(ix) Suppose white moves first, and we want to reach the configuration where white knight checkmates the black king (as in (vi)) using the randomized knight movements discussed above. What is the expected number of turns (1 turn equals one move by both white and black) for that configuration to be reached for the very first time?

(x) Do the same for when black knight checkmates the white king. Note that white still goes first.

While working on the last couple of problems, you have consciously or subconsciously assumed a very important property. Remember that every legal move made by a player depends only on the position of pieces on the boards right before they make it. In fact, even in normal chess, the evaluation of a position or the best response 10 moves deep into the game only depends on the position, and not how the board looked beforehand. This property is called memorylessness.

Given that both players play completely random legal moves, if the state of the board after every turn is denoted by $x_n$ and the random variables storing these positions be denoted by $X_n$, then we get

\[P(X_{n + 1} = x | X_n = x_n, X_{n - 1} = x_{n - 1}, \dots, X_0 = x_0) = P(X_{n + 1} = x_{n + 1} | X_n = x_n),\]

where $x$ is the position of the board after turn $n + 1$ and $x_0$ is the initial position. However, as chess is played by two players, each $x_n$ would store information about the position after each of white and black play their moves in the $n$th turn. Such a sequence of states all satisfying the memorylessness property form a Discrete Time Markov Chain. Not only that, there are even more properties satisfied by a chess game!

Suppose you see both players repeating moves after turn $m$. So for every $n > m$ (to as long as the game continues without ending), $x_n$ will be the same. Now given two identical positions, it is impossible to differentiate which has a smaller value of $n$. Such a Markov Chain is called a Time Homogeneous Markov Chain and is represented by

\[P(X_{k + 1} = x | X_k = y) = P(X_{l + 1} = x | X_l = y)\]

for all $k, l$. This means that given any two times that the board reaches an identical position, the probability that it reaches a fixed position after one turn is exactly the same!

(x) Can you verify these properties for at least one position from the King-Knight configuration we discussed in Figure 2?

“One you’re done,” Pura grinned, “I hope you can truly appreciate how symmetric chess is as a stochastic process. Yet when the strongest professionals sit down to play a game, they feel more intimidating than ever before. With that, say chesse!”


Send in your solutions at maths.club@iiserkol.ac.in, with the subject Monthly Contest: November.