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This is an archive of all contests and discussions organized by the club. Typically, an interesting problem is posted periodically, and solutions are received over a period of 3 weeks. The best solutions are awarded and shared by the end of the month.

  • November - ODE to Joy

    Today, we explore the placid hymns of An ODE to Joy through those that run the continuous world …

  • August - Sequentially Arithmetic

    Today, we’re going to explore certain distributions of arithmetic sequences, and their connection with Riemann integrals.

  • May - Generating Oh,no!mials

    Today, we’re going to take a fun trip through something we all did as high school students - monomials, binomials, trinomials … polynomials!

  • April - To err

    To err is human” - for no err is of whom but supreme? However, accepting our errors makes our convictions stronger and our ideas more robust; that is how science has progressed all this while …

  • March - Leaps and Bounds

    Today, I shall present you with some problems which will show you that the most fundamental knowledge of mathematics we hold is key to solving many complicated or non-intuitive ideas.

  • February - Progression

    Today, we’ll explore an idea that involves something that even a non-math person might have encountered: the Arithmetic Triangle a.k.a Pascal’s Triangle!

  • November - Amity

    Today, we shall be taking a break from rigorous mathematics and be looking at a form of chess, much simpler than what the professionals play. Instead of an 8×8 chessboard, we’ll take a 8×1 chessboard and take only three of each set of pieces, namely the King (K), the Rook (R) and the Knight (N).

  • September - Inception

    Today I come to you with some ideas that are fairly easy, yet provide some pretty insight into the wonderful universe of mathematics. These include two very popular functions one uses in algebra: the floor and the fractional part.