
Identity hosts Problem’s Unknown, Proof Set in Stone, a relay race, played in teams of four. Pairs of groups face off, trying to prove a mathematical statement as quickly as possible. The catch? Only one team member is allowed at the board at a time; after their allotted time of 3 minutes is up, their successor must take over. Nobody but the people at the board (and our audience) has knowledge of the given problem. When passing on the baton, only 15 seconds are given for communication.

Four teams entered the contest.

  • Sus-Pan-Raj (Joydwip Singh, Sandip Samanta, Habibur Rahaman, Mukilraj K)
  • Morphism (Vishalraam CS, Shibashis Mukhopadhyay, Tarak Yadav, Abhisruta Maity)
  • ARKS (Anunay Chandra, Rithwik Raina, Kishan Saha, Adireddi Srinivas)
  • Noether Boys (Manish Kumar, Jebasingh R, Rajiv Mishra, Soudip Kundu)

Our winners

Congratulations to our winning team ARKS: Anunay Chandra, Rithwik Raina, Kishan Saha, Adireddi Srinivas!

Thank you to all participants for putting up a good fight.

Our winners Adireddi Srinivas, Rithwik Raina, Anunay Chandra, receiving their prize from our organizer Rohan Didmishe.


The following problem remained unsolved at the board; can you finish it off?

Let $x > 0$. Consider the sequence of power towers $\{x_n\}_{n \in \mathbb{N}}$, defined by $x_1 = x$, $x_{n + 1} = x^{x_n}$. If this sequence is given to converge, show that $x < \sqrt{3}$.