Investigating light-matter interaction in nano-meter length scale has opened up a new paradigm in the growing research endeavor where the properties of light can be manipulated in the sub-wavelength length scale. Besides tailoring various properties of light like intensity, wavevector distribution, polarization, it has a wide range of applications in sensing, communication, data-storage devices, bio-medical applications, etcetera. The booming development in the field of nano-fabrication has been the essential fuel for this emerging field. Our group focuses on the detailed investigation of different optical responses of various nanostructures, the under lying physics, and their real-world applications. Meta-surfaces and meta-materials with a sophisticated manipulation of different properties of light were demonstrated using phenomena like spin-orbit interactions, Fano resonance, Weak measurement. Alongside these, we also work towards the development of novel polarization-resolved spectroscopy and imaging systems to assist us in our experimental exploration and characterization of multifunctional tunable nano-optics devices.