Puneet Prakash

Junior Research Fellow (Project)


BS-MS Dual Degree

Geological Sciences, IISER Kolkata, 2022.

Research Field

Stable isotope hydrology| Stable Isotope Geochemistry

Research Interest

  • Modern isotopic calibration
  • Vegetation Geochemistry


Junior Research Fellow (Project) | Jan 2022- Present

Indian Institute of Science Education and Research - Kolkata

Awards & Honors

1. DST-INSPIRE (Department of Science and Technology- Innovation in Science Pursuit for Inspired Research) Scholarship (Govt. of India) 2015.
2. Qualified GATE 2022 (GATE-2022)



  • Dasgupta, B., Ajay, A., Prakash, P., and Sanyal, P. (2022). Understanding the disparity in n-alkane production among angiosperms and gymnosperms from the higher Himalayas: Inferences drawn from a Machine Learning approach. Organic Geochemistry, p.104463.