Spring 2014 :: Offered Courses (DES)

Level : 1 Programme : MS, MP, MR, IP, RS
Sl. No.Course CodeCourse NameType Credits Instructor(s)
1 ES1201 Earth System Processes Theory 3.0 Ravikant Vadlamani,
Tarun Kumar Dalai

Level : 2 Programme : MS, MP, MR, IP, RS
Sl. No.Course CodeCourse NameType Credits Instructor(s)
1 ES2201 Mineralogy Theory 4.0 Jitendra Kumar Pattanaik,
Melinda Kumar Bera
2 ES2202 Basic Structural Geology and Tectonics Theory 4.0 Argha Banerjee,
Kathakali Bhattacharyya

Level : 3 Programme : MS, MP, MR, IP, RS
Sl. No.Course CodeCourse NameType Credits Instructor(s)
1 ES3201 Geodynamics and Geomorphology Theory 3.0 Manoj Kumar Jaiswal
2 ES3202 Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology Theory 3.0 Ravikant Vadlamani
3 ES3203 Principles of Paleontology Theory 3.0 Devapriya Chattopadhyay
4 ES3204 Petrology Laboratory Laboratory 3.0 Ravikant Vadlamani
5 ES3205 Paleontology Laboratory Laboratory 3.0 Devapriya Chattopadhyay
6 ES3206 IPhD Lab Rotation Laboratory 3.0 Ravikant Vadlamani
7 ES3207 IPhD Reading Course Project 3.0 Prasanta Sanyal,
_ Not Yet Decided _

Level : 4 Programme : MS, MP, MR, IP, RS
Sl. No.Course CodeCourse NameType Credits Instructor(s)
1 ES4201 Phanerozoic and Precambrian Geology Theory 3.0 Ravikant Vadlamani,
_ Not Yet Decided _
2 ES4202 Isotope Geoscience Theory 3.0 Prasanta Sanyal,
Tarun Kumar Dalai
3 ES4203 Economic Geology Theory 3.0 Jitendra Kumar Pattanaik
4 ES4204 Seminar Seminar 3.0 Argha Banerjee,
Manoj Kumar Jaiswal
5 ID4209 Environmental Pollution and Disaster Management Theory 3.0 Sutapa Bose

Level : 5 Programme : MS, MP, MR, IP, RS
Sl. No.Course CodeCourse NameType Credits Instructor(s)
1 ES5201 Dissertation Project 15.0 _ Not Yet Decided _

Department wise list: