Dipjyoti Das

Assistant Professor
Dept: Biological Sciences (DBS)
E-mail: dipjyoti.das [at] iiserkol.ac.in
Personal homepage: Click Here
We try to understand how complex behaviors emerge in biological systems at different scales of organizations, starting from the sub-cellular and cellular scale to the tissue and organismic level. At all these scales, biological systems are generally characterized by a large set of interconnected physical and chemical processes that drive the system out of equilibrium. Our method of investigation of such systems is theoretical and computational model building (using tools of statistical physics) and data analysis, in close collaboration with experimental biologists. Some specific areas of interest include: (1) Biophysics and tissue mechanics in embryonic developmental processes, (2) Stochastic dynamics of cytoskeletal filaments and molecular motors, (3) Stochastic gene expression, (4) Population dynamics of interacting micro-organisms, (5) Models of intracellular transport, and (6) Pattern formation in biology.
- PhD (Physics), IIT Bombay, 2014
- MSc (Physics), IIT Bombay, 2009
- BSc (Physics), Jadavpur University, 2007
- Assistant Professor, IISER Kolkata (current)
- Postdoctoral Associate, Yale University, Connecticut, USA (2014 - 2018)
- SERB International Research Experience Fellowship from Science and Engineering Research Board (Government of India) (2022)
- SERB Early Career Award from Science and Engineering Research Board (Government of India) (2019)
- Ramalingaswami Re-entry Fellowship from Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Government of India. (2019)
- Satheesan, Sankeert; Banerjee, Binayak and Das, Dipjyoti. 2022."Effects of random hydrolysis on biofilament length distributions in a shared subunit pool." Biophysical Journal , 121, 502-514
- Gupta, Subhadeep; Ray, Soumyadipta; Khan, Africa; China, Arkaprabha; Das, Dipjyoti and Mallick, Amirul Islam. 2021."The cost of bacterial predation via type VI secretion system leads to predator extinction under environmental stress." iScience, 24, 103507
- Das, Dipjyoti; Julich, Dorthe; Schwendinger-Schreck, Jamie; Guillon, Emillie; Lawton, Andrew K.; Dray, Nicolas; Emonet, Thierry; O’Hern, Corey S.; Shattuck, Mark D. and Holley, Scott A.. 2019."Organization of Embryonic Morphogenesis via Mechanical Information." Developmental cell, 49, 829-839.e5
- Das, Dipjyoti; Chatti, Veena; Emonet, Thierry and Holley, Scott A.. 2017."Patterned disordered cell motion ensures vertebral column symmetry." Developmental cell, 42, 170-180.e5
- Das, Dipjyoti; Dey, Supravat; Brewster, Robert C. and Choubey, Sandeep. 2017."Effect of transcription factor resource sharing on gene expression noise." PLoS computational biology, 13, e1005491