Sangita Sen

Assistant Professor
Dept: Chemical Sciences (DCS)
E-mail: sangita.sen [at]
Personal homepage: Click Here
Research Interest:
ELectron correlation, spin adaptation, molecules in strong magnetic fields
Academic Background:
- PhD (Chemistry), IACS, Kolkata (Jadavpur University), 2015
- Assistant Professor, IISER Kolkata ( - )
- Marie-Curie Individual Fellow, University of Oslo (2016 - 2020)
Selected Publications:
- Sen, Sangita; Lange, Kai K. and Tellgren, Erik. 2019."Excited States of Molecules in Strong Uniform and Nonuniform Magnetic Fields." Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 15, 3974-3990
- Sen, Sangita and Tellgren, Erik. 2018."A local tensor that unifies kinetic energy density and vorticity in density functional theory." The Journal of Chemical Physics, 149, 144109
- Sen, Sangita; Shee, Avijit and Mukherjee, Debashis. 2018."Inclusion of orbital relaxation and correlation through the unitary group adapted open shell coupled cluster theory using non-relativistic and scalar relativistic Hamiltonians to study the core ionization potential of molecules containing light to medium-heavy elements." The Journal of Chemical Physics, 148, 054107
All Publications: Click Here