Anandamohan Ghosh
Associate Professor
Dept: Physical Sciences (DPS)
E-mail: anandamohan [at]
Personal homepage: Click Here
Research Interest:
Nonlinear Dynamics, Statistical Physics, Mathematical Biology
Academic Background:
- Doctor of Philosophy (Physics), National Chemical Laboratory (Pune University), 2004
- Master of Science (Physics), Pune University, 1998
- Associate Professor, IISER Kolkata (current)
- Post Doctoral Fellow, Ben Gurion University (2009 - 2010)
- Postdoctoral Fellow, TNG, Aix-Marseille Université (2006 - 2009)
- Postdoctoral Fellow, DTP, TIFR (2004 - 2006)
- Research Associate, SPS, JNU (2004 - 2004)
Selected Publications:
- Sinha, Abhisek and Ghosh, Anandamohan. 2023."Statistics of synchronization times in Kuramoto oscillators." EPL, 141, 53001
- Das, Adway Kumar and Ghosh, Anandamohan. 2022."Transport in deformed centrosymmetric networks." Physical Review E, 106, 064112
- Das, Adway Kumar and Ghosh, Anandamohan. 2022."Chaos due to symmetry-breaking in deformed Poisson ensemble." J Stat Mech, 22, 063101
- Das, Adway Kumar and Ghosh, Anandamohan. 2022."Nonergodic extended states in the beta ensemble." PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 105, 054121
- Biswas, Kuheli; Jolly, Mohit Kumar and Ghosh, Anandamohan. 2021."First passage time properties of miRNA-mediated protein translation." Journal of Theoretical Biology, 529, 110863
All Publications: Click Here