ভারতীয় বিজ্ঞান শিক্ষা এবং গবেষণা প্রতিষ্ঠান কলকাতা

भारतीय विज्ञान शिक्षा एवं अनुसंधान संस्थान कोलकाता


... towards excellence in science

An Autonomous Institution, Under the Ministry of Education, Government of India

Anandamohan Ghosh

Associate Professor
Dept: Physical Sciences (DPS)
E-mail: anandamohan [at]

All Publications:

  1. Sinha, Abhisek and Ghosh, Anandamohan. 2023."Statistics of synchronization times in Kuramoto oscillators." EPL, 141, 53001
  2. Das, Adway Kumar and Ghosh, Anandamohan. 2022."Transport in deformed centrosymmetric networks." Physical Review E, 106, 064112
  3. Das, Adway Kumar and Ghosh, Anandamohan. 2022."Chaos due to symmetry-breaking in deformed Poisson ensemble." J Stat Mech, 22, 063101
  4. Das, Adway Kumar and Ghosh, Anandamohan. 2022."Nonergodic extended states in the beta ensemble." PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 105, 054121
  5. Biswas, Kuheli; Jolly, Mohit Kumar and Ghosh, Anandamohan. 2021."First passage time properties of miRNA-mediated protein translation." Journal of Theoretical Biology, 529, 110863
  6. Biswas, Kuheli and Ghosh, Anandamohan. 2021."First passage time in post-transcriptional regulation bymultiple small RNAs." Eur. Phys. J. E, 44, 1-10
  7. Biswas, Kuheli and Ghosh, Anandamohan. 2020."Timing effciency in small-RNA-regulated post-transcriptional processes." PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 101, 022418
  8. Das, Adway Kumar and Ghosh, Anandamohan. 2019."Eigenvalue statistics for generalized symmetric and Hermitian matrices." Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 52, 395001
  9. Biswas, Kuheli; Shreshtha, Mayank; Surendran, Anudeep and Ghosh, Anandamohan. 2019."First-passage time statistics of stochastic transcription process for time-dependent reaction rates." Eur. Phys. J. E, 42, 24
  10. Biswas, Kuheli; Jolly, Mohit Kumar and Ghosh, Anandamohan. 2019."Stability and mean residence times for hybrid epithelial/mesenchymal phenotype." Physical Biology, 16, 025003
  11. Ray, Sayak; Ghosh, Anandamohan and Sinha, Subhasis. 2018."Drive-induced delocalization in the Aubry-Andre model." Phys. Rev. E, 97, 010101(R)
  12. Patra, Soumen K. and Ghosh, Anandamohan. 2017."Spectral statistics of Lyapunov exponents in coupled map networks." Europhysics Letters, 117, 60002
  13. Ray, Sayak; Ghosh, Anandamohan and Sinha, Subhasis. 2016."Quantum signature of chaos and thermalization in the kicked Dicke model." PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 94, 032103
  14. Shreshtha, Mayank; Surendran, Anudeep and Ghosh, Anandamohan. 2016."Estimation of mean first passage time for bursty gene expression." Physical Biology, 13, 036004
  15. Patra, Soumen K and Ghosh, Anandamohan. 2016."Statistics of Lyapunov exponent spectrum in randomly coupled Kuramoto oscillators." PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 93, 032208
  16. Ray, Sayak; Pandey, Mohit; Ghosh, Anandamohan and Sinha, Subhasis. 2015."Localization of weakly interacting Bose gas in quasiperiodic potential." New J. Phys., 18, 013013
  17. Nandi, Shubhendu and Ghosh, Anandamohan. 2015."Transcriptional dynamics with time-dependent reaction rates." Physical Biology, 12, 016015
  18. Ghosh, Anandamohan. 2014."Non-equilibrium dynamics of stochastic gene regulation." Journal of Biological Physics, 41, 49
  19. Tkacik, Gasper; Ghosh, Anandamohan; Schneidman, Elad and Segev, Ronen. 2014."Adaptation to Changes in Higher-Order Stimulus Statistics in the Salamander Retina." PLOS One, 9, e85841
  20. Ghosh, Anandamohan and Gupta, Shamik. 2013."Relaxation dynamics of the Kuramoto model with uniformly distributed natural frequencies." Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 392, 3812-3818