Anandamohan Ghosh
Associate Professor
Dept: Physical Sciences (DPS)
E-mail: anandamohan [at]
All Publications:
- Sinha, Abhisek and Ghosh, Anandamohan. 2023."Statistics of synchronization times in Kuramoto oscillators." EPL, 141, 53001
- Das, Adway Kumar and Ghosh, Anandamohan. 2022."Transport in deformed centrosymmetric networks." Physical Review E, 106, 064112
- Das, Adway Kumar and Ghosh, Anandamohan. 2022."Chaos due to symmetry-breaking in deformed Poisson ensemble." J Stat Mech, 22, 063101
- Das, Adway Kumar and Ghosh, Anandamohan. 2022."Nonergodic extended states in the beta ensemble." PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 105, 054121
- Biswas, Kuheli; Jolly, Mohit Kumar and Ghosh, Anandamohan. 2021."First passage time properties of miRNA-mediated protein translation." Journal of Theoretical Biology, 529, 110863
- Biswas, Kuheli and Ghosh, Anandamohan. 2021."First passage time in post-transcriptional regulation bymultiple small RNAs." Eur. Phys. J. E, 44, 1-10
- Biswas, Kuheli and Ghosh, Anandamohan. 2020."Timing effciency in small-RNA-regulated post-transcriptional processes." PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 101, 022418
- Das, Adway Kumar and Ghosh, Anandamohan. 2019."Eigenvalue statistics for generalized symmetric and Hermitian matrices." Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 52, 395001
- Biswas, Kuheli; Shreshtha, Mayank; Surendran, Anudeep and Ghosh, Anandamohan. 2019."First-passage time statistics of stochastic transcription process for time-dependent reaction rates." Eur. Phys. J. E, 42, 24
- Biswas, Kuheli; Jolly, Mohit Kumar and Ghosh, Anandamohan. 2019."Stability and mean residence times for hybrid epithelial/mesenchymal phenotype." Physical Biology, 16, 025003
- Ray, Sayak; Ghosh, Anandamohan and Sinha, Subhasis. 2018."Drive-induced delocalization in the Aubry-Andre model." Phys. Rev. E, 97, 010101(R)
- Patra, Soumen K. and Ghosh, Anandamohan. 2017."Spectral statistics of Lyapunov exponents in coupled map networks." Europhysics Letters, 117, 60002
- Ray, Sayak; Ghosh, Anandamohan and Sinha, Subhasis. 2016."Quantum signature of chaos and thermalization in the kicked Dicke model." PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 94, 032103
- Shreshtha, Mayank; Surendran, Anudeep and Ghosh, Anandamohan. 2016."Estimation of mean first passage time for bursty gene expression." Physical Biology, 13, 036004
- Patra, Soumen K and Ghosh, Anandamohan. 2016."Statistics of Lyapunov exponent spectrum in randomly coupled Kuramoto oscillators." PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 93, 032208
- Ray, Sayak; Pandey, Mohit; Ghosh, Anandamohan and Sinha, Subhasis. 2015."Localization of weakly interacting Bose gas in quasiperiodic potential." New J. Phys., 18, 013013
- Nandi, Shubhendu and Ghosh, Anandamohan. 2015."Transcriptional dynamics with time-dependent reaction rates." Physical Biology, 12, 016015
- Ghosh, Anandamohan. 2014."Non-equilibrium dynamics of stochastic gene regulation." Journal of Biological Physics, 41, 49
- Tkacik, Gasper; Ghosh, Anandamohan; Schneidman, Elad and Segev, Ronen. 2014."Adaptation to Changes in Higher-Order Stimulus Statistics in the Salamander Retina." PLOS One, 9, e85841
- Ghosh, Anandamohan and Gupta, Shamik. 2013."Relaxation dynamics of the Kuramoto model with uniformly distributed natural frequencies." Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 392, 3812-3818