Powder X-ray Diffraction
Name of the Instrument: P-XRD (9KW)
Make & Model Number: SmartLab, RIGAKU
Contact Person: Dr. Rahul banerjee
Contact Details: r.banerjee[@]iiserkol.ac.in, 033-6136 0000 Ext. 1448
Location of the Instrument: S-034, Research Complex
Analysis Charges: NA
Name of the Instrument: PXRD (BenchTop)
Make & Model Number: MiniFlex, RIGAKU
Contact Person: Prof. Satyabrata Raj
Contact Details: e-mail: raj[@]iiserkol.ac.in, 033-6136 0000 Ext. 1448
Location of the Instrument: S-034, Research Complex
Analysis Charges: NA